Friday, November 5, 2010

Standing Outside the Fire

            I talked to my sister this week and she asked if me I was doing to do an actual race. Well, I don’t know about the race part, but I plan on doing some kind of event where I would publicly stumble through a 5k. Originally, I had planned on just finding a race when I felt ready, but today I thought that maybe I should scope it out now. That way I have a clear goal of when I should be ready, not the other way around. The truth is, I may never feel ready. I’m really worried about that, among other things.
            I feel it’s pretty obvious that I have never graced any running event with my presence, so I have no idea what they are like. All my very fit friends and relatives always squeal, “OH, YOU SHOULD GO! IT’S SO MUCH FUN!” Yeah, fun when it’s over.
So, I really have no idea what I’m getting into. I don’t know any rules; I don’t know any runner’s etiquette. I’m not going to know when I’m doing something wrong. This is something I’m really going to have to look into, but for now I have a really idealized view of what that day will look like. It will be around 70 to 75 degrees out. It will be partly cloudy with a slight breeze. This breeze will run through my hair as I glide over the trail. I will be very tan, and very skinny. Sweat will slightly glisten my brow and my new running outfit. I will have a perfectly timed playlist on my iPod that will keep my energy and excitement up. My family and friends will be waiting at the finish line, cheering me on with bottles of Budweiser in hand. People will embrace, streamers will fly, the penguin from Billy Madison will dance in the background. “Chariots of Fire” (google it if you don’t know) plays in the background as I cross the finish line with a smile on my face. We celebrate in delicious Anheuser-Busch foam.
But, in reality, it will probably look more like the music video “Standing Outside the Fire by Garth Brooks, without the parental conflict. I will attempt to attach that link here. If I am not successful, please look it up on YouTube and watch the video in its entirety.
           Yep, that’s the kid who played Corky on “Life Goes On.” I barely remember that show, so I couldn’t figure out why my brother called me Corky. This annoyed me to no end. Then I saw it on an episode of "I love the '80s." That's when I realized my brother is an asshole.
            I had a great run today and I am terrified to move onto next week. Especially since this weekend is going to be a shitshow. Go Cyclones!


  1. Let me know if you need a crash course on "runners etiquette" etc.! You will love it. Its very exciting at the beginning....can be tough in the middle, and a total relief at the end. I completely agree that you should pick a race so you have something to work toward. Offer is still there if you want a running buddy for the big day! I'm cool with meeting you with a Bud at the finish line too! :)

  2. Maybe your brother called you Corky because you listen to Garth Brooks.

  3. Amy- I know you'll have plenty of resources for 'runner's etiquette' but I'll offer my services too. :) And actully signing up for a race changes everything. A dream that you can put off for another day or another month becomes an 'oh shit' I can't back out now moment of truth. No matter how many races I've done, it's still a gut-check moment to hit the 'submit now' button because then there's no going back. But, you will find that after you pay the $35 entry fee, your committment level automatically goes up. :) Good luck... still enjoying this when I get a chance to read it! :)
